Welcome to Surrey Sharing Circle, a safe space where you are invited to show up as your authentic self. In our sharing circles, we gather with no topic or agenda. We simply share our reality as we find it within.
We take turns around the circle, speaking one at a time. We may share briefly, or share at length, as we feel drawn. Some choose to just listen. Often starting at the surface, we may feel ourselves delving deeper as we feel heard. Trust builds as we realize that no one is going to interrupt or comment, that we can continue speaking until we feel complete. Having shared, and being simply thanked for our share, we feel seen and validated – for who we are, not who we should be. As the sharing continues, the room feels more connected, as the unique stories of our lives reveal our common humanity.
When listening, we really listen, giving our full attention to the speaker, with acceptance and empathy. We resist the urges to interrupt, judge, give unsolicited advice, discuss, or cross-talk; we resist roles and therapy.
Surrey Sharing Circle is self-discovery. Guided by compassion, understanding, confidentiality, and respect, our sessions also foster meaningful connections and build community. There are tears and laughter. In pre-Covid sessions, afterwards, there were hugs, and many lingered, not wanting to leave.
There is no fee. All are welcome, the thriving and the barely surviving, those on paths and those not on paths. We explore the emotional, relational inner world rather than the impersonal, philosophical outer world. We leave our ego at the door; we practice Being rather than Becoming.
Surrey Sharing Circle meets 7:00-9:30pm Tuesdays at 2756 127th Street, Surrey B.C., starting February 14th, 2023.
Participants may arrive late (quietly) or leave early (quietly).
Facilitator: Nelson Beavington. Surrey Sharing Circle originated with Low Entropy (www.lowentropy.org), an independent, non-profit charity. For more information, to receive email reminders, or to join our Wednesday online Zoom Surrey Sharing Circle, please email me at beavington@telus.net. I thank the Peninsula United Church for providing a safe, comfortable venue.
Please join us!
- Nelson
Nelson has been facilitating for Surrey Sharing Circle, an outreach program of non-profit Low Entropy (www.lowentropy.org) since 2018. With his lifelong interest in the human journey and self-discovery, the Sharing Circle model has been a perfect fit for him. When not facilitating, you can find Nelson enjoying retirement in his garden, at Semiahmoo Family Place singing for toddlers, up a wild cherry tree, at the piano improvising, or on the dance floor, all the while looking out for ways to consciously connect with those around him.