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We, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another. — Romans 12:5

Peninsula United Church is an inclusive faith community and we’d like to include you as a full member! Full members vote on all important decisions at congregational meetings and are eligible to be elected to the Strategic Leadership Council. Full membership is also a meaningful way to show your support for the ministry of Peninsula United Church.

The Manual of the United Church of Canada (2024) describes a full member as someone who has “enough knowledge about the Christian faith and the United Church to make their commitment with understanding.” If you’d like to become a full member and want to learn more about the Christian faith and the United Church, please contact the office. Peninsula United Church is offering a one-session Advent-season learning circle for everyone interested in full membership. The learning circle is an excellent opportunity to find out more about faith and the church, ask questions, and prepare for baptism and a profession of faith.

Already a member of another church and want to become a full member at Peninsula United Church? We also welcome people into full membership through reaffirmation of Christian faith or a certificate of transfer of membership. Please contact the office for more information.