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Click hear to read the pastoral letter from BC Conference.


God of Creation,
We live in a world where both beauty and danger surround us.

Receive our prayers for those impacted by, and living in fear of, the wildfires across the interior of British Columbia:
     for all who cannot find adequate food, safety, or shelter…
     for all who have lost their homes, churches, community centres, and workplaces…
     for all your glorious natural Creation that has been destroyed and is in harm’s way…
     for all things, places, and place that are in need of healing.

We pray and ask that you help heal the pain of all affected.

Strengthen with your presence all who are numb with fear and distress.
Guide those who anxiously search or wait for loved ones.
Be near those who are grieving, and bless them with your peace.

In the midst of disaster we give thanks for moments of generosity and human-kindness.
Grant tenderness, strength, and wisdom…
     to doctors and nurses, police and military, fire-fighters and emergency responders;
     to the wildlife conservationists and stewards of the earth;
     to all who minister to human need in our time of distress.
We gather these prayers with the assurance that you already know our needs,
and are always with us.